Epos CG Gov In Stock Register Report checking facility started by Chhattisgarh government. One can even check Aepds CG RC details, date wise transactions through epos.cg.gov.in official website. Read this article till the end to know how to check AePDS CG RC details (ration card status), epos cg gov in stock register report and date wise transaction details through the CG Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System (AePDS) portal.
Epos CG Gov In Stock Register Check Online
STEP 1: First of all, visit the official website for Aadhaar enabled public distribution system (AePDS) in Chhattisgarh at https://epos.cg.gov.in/index.jsp
STEP 2: At the homepage, go to “Reports” section and click at “Stock Register” link.
STEP 3: Direct link – https://epos.cg.gov.in/FPS_Stock.jsp
STEP 4: On clicking the link, the page to check CG FPS stock details will open.
STEP 5: Select month and year of your choice, enter FPS shop number (for eg-451001004) and click “Submit” button to check AePDS CG Stock Register report.
STEP 6: Then Epos CG Gov In Stock Register Report for Shop No:451001004 will open as shown below:-
STEP 7: In the Aepds CG Stock Register Report, you can check commodity name, units, alloted quantity, opening balance qty (A), received quantity regular (B), received quantity extra (C), received quantity moved (D), issued qty (E) and closing balance qty (A+B+C+D-E).
Check Aepds CG Stock Details through the link – https://epos.cg.gov.in/Stock_Register_Int.jsp
AePDS CG Date Wise Transactions
- First of all, visit the official website for Aadhaar enabled public distribution system (AePDS) in CG state at https://epos.cg.gov.in/
- At the homepage, scroll over “FPS” section present in the main menu and click at “Date Wise Trans Abstract” link.
- Direct link – https://epos.cg.gov.in/FPSDayWiseInterface.jsp
- On clicking the link, the page to check Epos CG FPS Day Wise Interface will open.
- Select month, year, name of district (Balod) and FPS (for eg-431002001 [Umashankar Gupta]) and click “Submit” button to check Aepds CG Date Wise Transactions.
- Then Transaction Details for Shop No:431002001 will open as shown below:-
- In the opened Epos CG Date wise transactions report, you can check date, availed cards and issued qty (rice, sugar, koil, gram, jaggery, CGRice, PMRice, F Rice).
Check Aepds CG FPS Wise Transactions through the link – https://epos.cg.gov.in/FPS_Trans_Abstract.jsp
Epos CG Gov In RC Details
- First of all, visit the official website for Aadhaar enabled public distribution system (AePDS) in CG state at https://epos.cg.gov.in/
- At the homepage, go to “Reports” section and click at “Beneficiary Details” link.
- Direct link – https://epos.cg.gov.in/SRC_Trans_Int.jsp
- On clicking the link, the page to check Epos CG RC details using Chhattisgarh ration card number will open.
- Enter your ration card number and click “Submit” button. For eg- we have entered RC no. as 223741183826 and clicked “Submit” button.
- Then Aepds CG Ration Card Status for the specified RC number will open.
- Here you can check member details, entitlement for RC, authentications for RC and transaction details of Chhattisgarh ration card holders.
To check detailed transactions, click the link https://epos.cg.gov.in/AbstractTransReport.jsp